Worpswede Archive
The most significant inventory belonging to the Barkenhoff Foundation of Worpswede is the “Worpswede Archive”, which was founded by Martha Vogeler and subsequently enlarged by Hans-Herman Rief, who transferred it to the Foundation in 1981.
The basic inventory of the Worpswede Archive are the collections of art, books and correspondence of Martha Vogeler which were brought together by art historian Rief, who has been living in the Haus im Schluh since 1946 and who continuously adds to the archive with exemplary products of Worpswede’s cultural creativity. Thus, in addition to the artwork and writings of Heinrich Vogeler, the collection also encompasses numerous works of art and partial bequests from Worpswede artists of the following generations, as well as an extensive and well-stocked library.
The use of the Worpswede Archive of the Barkenhoff Foundation of Worpswede is basically available to anyone pursuing a scientific interest. Interested parties are required to observe the rules of use as well as the schedule of fees and conditions of use (available in the museum). Users should file a request for an appointment; no legal claim of use can be asserted.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to ongoing renovations at the Barkenhoff, the use of the archive and the library is not possible at present!