JiM: for classes from the county of Osterholz

In cooperation with the Worpsweder Gesellschaft für Kunst, Kultur und Wissenschaft e.V. the Kulturstiftung Osterholz has initiated a new education program for schools.

Under the umbrella-brand "JiM" (Jung im Museum  - Young in Museum) the first collaborations launched this year. New to the concept is that the program is developed in dialogue with the schools and teachers.
In November last year the school and school subject directors of the surrounding primary and secondary schools of levels I + II were invited to submit their own concepts and ideas.

The first projects will be implemented in February. The museum sees itself as a external place of learning and provides the necessary painting materials and the transfer.

Shortly you will find more information about JiM on our homepage.

cover picture: © Museumsverbund Worpswede

Förderer Worpsweder Museumsverbund e. V.